Sarah Taylor

NASPL 2023 Moderator
Sarah Taylor
An accomplished leader with more than 25 years of public service experience, Sarah M. Taylor is the Executive Director of the Hoosier Lottery. Since 2013, she has earned the appointment of two successive Indiana governors, leading the Hoosier Lottery through years of exponential growth for the benefit of many important causes throughout the Hoosier state.
Her reputation among her colleagues has been marked by her active participation in several lottery industry organizations. Sarah currently serves as President of the North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries (NASPL). She also serves on NASPL’s Retail Modernization and Vendor Relations committees. Prior to serving as President, she held the roles of First and Second Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Region III Chair. During her time at the helm of NASPL, Taylor has led the effort to update various administrative strategic plans in the areas of business, communications, government relations and responsible gaming/sustainability.
She is immediate past president of the Multi-State Lottery Association (MUSL), which is comprised of 39 U.S. lotteries that oversee Powerball. She serves as Chair of MUSL’s Development Committee, a member of the International Working Group and a member of Marketing and Promotions Committee. She previously served as Vice President, Secretary, and Chair of the Finance Committee. She also served as Chair of MUSL’s Audit Committee.
During her two-year stint as MUSL president, Taylor worked with executive leadership on an updated strategic plan, added a third draw day for Powerball, lead discussion on a Powerball pilot in Australia and co-founded the National Games Strategy Group.
In addition to her MUSL and NASPL activities, she serves as Chair of the World Lottery Association (WLA) Corporate and Social Responsibility Committee.
Prior to her lottery industry experience, Taylor held various positions in Indiana city and county government, including eight years as the elected Clerk of the Courts for Marion County (Indianapolis) and five years as a cabinet member for the Mayor of Indianapolis.
Taylor earned her bachelor's degree from Indiana University’s School of Public and Environmental Affairs, where she sits on the Distinguished Alumni Council. A lifelong learner, Sarah has earned a Certificate in Public Management from Ball State University